Zucchini slice

Zucchini slice
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In another place this might be called a frittata (especially if some cream was added to the ingredients), but we went with the more responsible version and anyway, we don’t want to be gilding the lily, or, as Aussies say, putting on the dog!

Basically it is eggs and cheese introduced to your choice of vegetables, cooked together in a way that can be served hot or cold, at table or in a packed lunch.  In winter, a big pot of soup and a full tray of this slice are a great lunch or dinner option.

The two spoon rating is mostly about learning to handle eggs, which is one of those little hurdles in learning to cook – some take it easily, and wonder what the fuss is about, but others take a while to have confidence cracking, rather than smashing, a raw egg. A little caution in food-safe handling of eggs is also well-placed – if you are working your way through the spoon ratings, now would be a good time to go ahead and look up what all the fuss is about.

In other words, a great family food that works well as leftovers for the lunch box – not that there were leftovers at the Craftapalooza!  All that creativity was hungry work!

PS if you are not familiar with parsnip, give it a go in this recipe – we were very surprised at the distinctive and very pleasant flavour that it brought to otherwise familiar ingredients.  I have made lots of dishes like this, but now really prefer them with parsnip than without.

PPS Gluten-free flour works okay in this.

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